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Realistic non-influencer habits that got me out of day-to-day anxiety

Just last year, I remember having a full blown anxiety attack while I was in an early morning interview. I was still in the survival mode, so my habits were not the best and the word "routine" was out of sight. I have always been a couch potato, lazy and evidently unmotivated and I liked it that way. A few ah-ha moments later, I decided to shake up my non-existent routine.

The reason I am a huge fan of sticking to a routine is that it helped me in dealing with my friend, anxiety and his best friend, stress. A few months later, I found myself in a similar situation with a potential anxiety episode, but it wasn't bad at all, just a momentary anxiety that was calmed by deep breaths. The only difference between these two episodes was that I had a routine.

If you are someone who deals with stress every day or if you are unmotivated in general, this routine is for you.

1. Waking up at a reasonable time:

I love looking at people who wake up at 5 in the morning, but let's be honest, you are not going to get any motivation to wake up at 5 just because people are doing it, I don't do it too. Sleeping is one of my favorite things in the world so I get my full 8 hours of sleep, but I wake up two hours before work so I can have a peaceful start to my day. That is what I mean by reasonable time. Try to wake up few hours before you start with your work but get 7-8 hours of sleep, believe me you'll have better days.

2. No phone for the first 30 minutes:

For the longest time, I would check my phone first thing in the morning and it did not occur to me that it was causing a good amount of stress without even getting out of my bed. Our brain is in the theta state when we are just waking up and drifting off to sleep. The phone screen messes up with this state to cause stress and sleep disruption at night. If you are just starting out, keep your phone away for 15 minutes for few days/ weeks, the slowly increase the time.

3. Move your body:

Whether it is before you freshen up or after, movement ensures blood circulation to different parts of our body, thereby increasing energy levels. My routine has a mix of breathing exercises (pranayam) and sun salutations (surya namaskar). On lazy days, I stick to stretching exercises and jumping jacks.

4. Planning the day:

My mind keeps reminding me about the things to do each day and it creates constant chatter that I can only get rid of when I write my to-do lists. I use a planner to chalk out things that need to be accomplished every day, work related or otherwise. You can use a planner or just maintain a book to write everyday to-do lists. Your mind will stop obsessing about petty things and free up some space for being present. I finish major or important tasks during first half of the day when I feel the most energetic.

5. Taking breaks:

Sitting all day in a chair in front of laptop drains us physically and mentally. So, I take breaks even if it is just to get some water, take a walk around the house, take a power nap or listen to music. It is good to break the monotony and we need a change every day to keep our spirits high.

6. Limiting caffeine intake:

I know this sounds impossible but it isn't really. One of the most stubborn habits I had to change, was to drink tea or coffee first thing in the morning. I saw an instant improvement once I switched to drinking water after waking up. Now, I only drink one cup of coffee every day, after breakfast and it does a good job. A word to the wise, stay hydrated.

7. Slowing down in second half of the day:

Our body works well with nature, and we can use that to make the best of our days. Indulging in rigorous mental or physical work is better for the part of the day when there is sunlight. As the sun starts to set, even our bodies want to cool down. So, I reserve evenings for early dinner, cold showers, watching, reading or writing something. You can use essential oils, candles, music to relax and sleep peacefully.

The beauty about a routine is you can build life changing habits and a sustainable lifestyle in your own unique way. Every day is different and there are some bad days, but these habits can help reduce the effects stress has on you. If you have serious problems every day, please seek medical help.

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